Living on the edge has become a way of life. This morning, April 9, 2021, a volcano known as La Soufrière on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent exploded with an intensity not seen since the evacuations of 1997. The last eruptions were in 2010 when the volcano’s lava dome collapsed sending ash-filled clouds over neighboring islands. Today, those that live in proximity to the volcano have been evacuated. However, the Covid epidemic has complicated matters. The Caribbean, known for its abundance of cruise ships are in position to help. However, to further complicate matters, neither the cruise lines nor the neighboring islands are willing to accommodate un-vaccinated individuals.

In the many Edgar Cayce predictions (1936) volcanic activity was identified as a sign of impending cataclysmic earth change. He said that when Mount Vesuvius and volcanic activity in the Caribbean increases, the cycle of earthquakes and other earth changes will begin. Mount Vesuvius erupted In late August 2020 for the first time since 1944—now this.

Earthwatch: World Earthquake and Volcanic Activity

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