Crystals are excellent healers, and we can all use a body tune-up on occasion. We live in trying times, similar to those led by ancient civilizations, whose inhabitants struggled before, during and after the catastrophic earth changes that killed many, sent others on lengthy migrations and drove some underground—sound familiar? I would suspect that crystals traveled globally cradled in pockets, strung on necklaces, included in artwork and medicine pouches.

My favorite “pocket” quartz crystal is small enough to fit in the palm of my hand during meditation and has a predominate spot on my home altar. I keep it clean and energized by soaking it periodically in water and allowing direct sunlight to purify its surface. It’s also a Lemurian seed crystal and close examination reveals tiny pyramid shaped “ghosts” on one side of its point. The subtle energy changes when held in various positions and rubbing the “striations” pulls unusual thoughts and visions to my mind’s eye and I can feel subtle currents of electricity calming my nerves—creating a sense of wellness.

Blake and I are no strangers to traditional western medicine and have relied on it to correct mechanical biology, including Blake’s mitral valve repair surgery that saved his life. However, when it comes to those subtle aches, pains, physical/mental trauma, and physical fatigue, which plagues us all—especially now—crystals can be a strong ally in the fight against ill health.

As we age, our bodies naturally decay, and obviously we cannot stave off death forever. However, we have more influence over our health than we think, but it takes some experimentation. In addition, each one of us is unique, so it is difficult for any doctor, with the limited time allowed in the exam room to diagnose an illness, especially when stress induced, and stress is a killer. Let’s stay with that thought for a moment. My main health challenge is neurological, caused by a negative response to stress in the workplace. The constant push to excel, promote, and keep on top of our work often overloads the electrical currents in our brains and bodies. This energy is often thought of as “Chi.” When Chi is blocked or when our circuits are on overload, we can suffer burnout, a term that applies to both the mental and physical. Experimentation with crystals has shown that their use can help in getting our energies flowing again.

Okay, so this all sounds very mystical, unworldly, and to some, outright foolishness. But let’s look at the science. In 2016 the National Institutes of Health and the Smithsonian Institution cut the ribbon to a new “Minerals in Medicine” exhibition that highlighted forty minerals crucial to human health. Quartz, in particular, because of its ability to generate an electrical charge (piezoelectric), to rotate a plane of light, and to be transparent in ultraviolet rays, is commonly used to make precision medical instruments and CT imaging. But can the passing of a crystal over our bodies actually heal and re-direct our physical energy? My experience says, “yes” mainly because our bodies are experts at converting energy to what it needs. Einstein’s work proved the link between matter and energy. Add mind power to the mix and we can open all sorts of channels for healing.

Quantum physic buffs insist that everything is energy and that we all vibrate at certain frequencies. This may explain why we are attracted to some and repulsed by others. Those that can see auras have an additional tool to tell if an encounter with another person will be beneficial or if they should run for their lives. Essentially, every feeling has a certain vibrational frequency. Simply put—we either feel good and positive or we feel bad and negative, depending on the circumstances. For most, it’s healing to embrace positive thoughts, people, music, entertainment sources, conversations, and gratitude. Do the opposite and surround yourself with evil . . . well you know how it goes; rarely good and often dangerous.

Returning to my own progress with the peripheral neuropathy that has affected my ability to balance and walk, I have noticed that the numbness, tingling and pain have improved over time—that is after I weaned off of all pharmaceuticals, which not only exacerbated the condition, but made me “crazy” to boot. My advice? Take a slow, steady approach. Keep notes and surround yourself with good energy and you may just get and stay well.


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